00:00 carolshi everyone, thanks for coming
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00:00 carolsthis year we got 371 (well, technically 372) applications from organizations for the program.
00:01 carolswe accepted 190 organizations in total
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00:01 carolsbut unfortunately, we always have less space for orgs than we have applications.
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00:01 carolsthis year we emphasized, as we have in the past, accepting organizations that have never participated before and/or were small communities
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00:02 carolswe again saw a huge amount of applications from folks in the bioinformatics, life sciences, and biology fields
00:02 DeepDiver has joined (~quassel@lvps91-250-117-153.dedicated.hosteurope.de)
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00:02 carolsbut we also got some great new applications from fields we've never had participate before
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00:03 carolsplease make sure your ideas page is the one you used to apply with if you're in the queue, since that's what the assessment of our team was based on
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00:03 carolsand, as the topic says, you're also more than welcome to email me with a request for feedback, but please keep in mind that i'm just 1 person and i might take a while to get back to you
00:03 enigmadev_joshw is now known as joshwambua
00:03 carolsso with that
00:03 saste is now known as ffmpeg_saste
00:03 carolskblin: i'll take queue #1
00:03 kblinyou can update the URL to your ideas page by using the queue command again if you haven't changed your nick
00:04 carolswhat kblin said
00:04 kblinyou won't lose your position in the queue while doing that
00:04 kblin!nextinline
00:04 gsocbotkblin: Next in line is nimrod_dom with notice: https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/wiki/GSoC-2014-Ideas
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00:04 kblin has changed mode: +v nimrod_dom
00:04 carolsalright, nimrod_dom needs voice
00:04 poc13 has joined (~c3p0@
00:04 carolsand i'll check my spreadsheet
00:04 nimrod_domhello :)
00:04 carolshello :-)
00:04 carolsjust a sec while i read
00:05 carolsalright, so a couple things:
00:05 Jaipradeesh has left IRC (Ping timeout: 270 seconds)
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00:05 carols1) some of the ideas on your ideas page needed a bit of work
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00:05 carolsnot a huge deal, but we did notice it
00:05 carolsparticularly you seemed to lose steam at the end :-)
00:06 carolslove the format and structure of the page, though
00:06 CarlFK has joined (~carl@c-98-223-151-105.hsd1.in.comcast.net)
00:06 carolsand the number of ideas was great
00:06 carolsanother thing i didn't mention in the preamble, but is applicable here:
00:06 carolswe got a *ton* of apps from programming languages as well
00:06 makhr has joined (~makhr@
00:07 carolsand do you had some stiff competition :-(
00:07 carolslet me look at the app and see if there's anything else
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00:07 nimrod_domoh :(
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00:07 carolsyeah, we try to choose as wide a variety of projects as we can to benefit the students
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00:08 carolsand sometimes that means rejecting a lot of orgs in a particular topic area if the competition is stif
00:08 carolsstiff
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00:08 carolsonly thing i'd say about your app is we might have liked to see someone vouching for you
00:08 joshwambua_ is now known as enigmadev_joshw
00:08 carolsbut that's a small thing
00:08 carolsthat's all i've got
00:08 carolsdo you have any questions?
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00:09 carols...still there nimrod_dom?
00:09 nimrod_domhrm, perhaps you could tell me what made you choose the other applicants in the programming languages field?
00:09 ujain has joined (0e8b2202@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:10 nimrod_domDid it just come down to the quality of the ideas page?
00:10 carolsnimrod_dom: well, as i said, your app/ideas page wasn't A+, and you were competing in an A+ field
00:10 carolsit looks great
00:10 lambdhanjian has left IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
00:10 carolsbut wasn't quite enough
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00:10 carolsfor next year i'd say take a couple ideas off the page and flesh out the ones you have there
00:10 dweintrop has joined (a57c80ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:10 carolsand find someone to vouch for you :-)
00:10 amras1_ is now known as amras1
00:11 carolsanything else?
00:11 nimrod_domI see. I certainly will do that! :)
00:11 carolsexcellent
00:11 enigmadev_joshw has left IRC (Client Quit)
00:11 nimrod_domNo, I think that's it.
00:11 carolsi hope you have a nice summer :-)
00:11 nimrod_domThank you.
00:11 carolsthanks for coming
00:11 carolsyou're welcome
00:11 kblin!nextinline
00:11 gsocbotkblin: Next in line is damn_sueastside with notice: https://github.com/sueastside/damn/wiki/Ideas
00:11 nimrod_domYou too!
00:11 carolsthanks kblin
00:11 kblin has changed mode: +v damn_sueastside
00:11 kblin has changed mode: -v nimrod_dom
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00:11 carolsalright, just a sec while i read
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00:12 carolsokay, damn_sueastside are you there?
00:12 damn_sueastsideyes i am
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00:12 carolsgreat
00:12 carolsso first thing, your ideas page ideas have a great structure..but the actual content is a bit light
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00:13 carolsi'd give you the same feedback i gave to the previous folks, which is i'd probably recommend less ideas with more flesh on each one
00:13 carolsnext is, i can't say i'm totally wowed with your project's name :-(
00:13 carolswell, acronym.
00:14 carolsthe project looks interesting
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00:14 carolsbut it's not a good image to project to students :-(
00:14 damn_sueastsideOh, yeah it seems to be a hit or miss, I have an odd sense of humour :)
00:15 carolsyeah...doesn't really work with university students. we want to be professional
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00:15 carolsbut really, more than that, the ideas page didn't knock our socks off
00:15 carolsparticularly the fact that you have sections at the end that aren't included at all
00:15 carolsyour application otherwise looks fine
00:15 carolshope that helps
00:16 rkojcev has left IRC ()
00:16 carolsdid you have any questions?
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00:16 damn_sueastsideOh that's because the project is made of several modules, but there just weren't any tasks suitable for students for those modules, in retrospect we should have left those of the page I guess.
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00:17 carolsyeah, definitely
00:17 carolsand the ideas that are there should be a lot more in-depth
00:17 damn_sueastsideNo, your feedback is clear, thank you for your time and effort :)
00:17 carolsexcellent
00:17 carolsyou're welcome
00:17 kblin!nextinline
00:17 gsocbotkblin: Next in line is nixos_iElectric with notice: https://nixos.org/wiki/GSOC_2014_ideas_list
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00:17 kblin has changed mode: +v nixos_iElectric
00:17 nixos_iElectrichi!
00:17 carolsthanks kblin
00:17 carolshi!
00:17 kblin has changed mode: -v damn_sueastside
00:18 rihbyne has left IRC (Ping timeout: 270 seconds)
00:18 carolsi'll just be reading for a second, hang on
00:18 carolsalright
00:18 carolsso your ideas page is just so-so
00:18 Jaipradeesh has joined (~jaipradee@
00:19 carolsfirstly, there are some ideas that are well described and clear, but there are some that aren't so much
00:19 carolssecond, none of them have the suggested skills or a difficulty level associated with them
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00:20 carolsyour app looks pretty good, but i would have liked to see lengthier answers to a few of our questions
00:20 carolsand did i mention we got a lot of new OS's applying this year as well?
00:20 carolsnone of those stacked up in your favor :-(
00:20 nixos_iElectricnop :)
00:20 nixos_iElectrichow much?
00:21 carolsi don't know off the top of my head
00:21 carolsbut quite a few
00:21 carolsanyway, do you have any questions on that?
00:21 nixos_iElectricok, we'll work on the ideas page and verbosity for the app next year
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00:22 nixos_iElectriccarols: do you have any special criterias for OS?
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00:23 nixos_iElectricnixos changes quite a bit how linux ecosystem works, maybe we should also link a vocabulary to the ideas page
00:23 Jaipradeesh has left IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:24 carolsexcellent
00:24 carolsthank you for coming :-)
00:24 carolsany other questions?
00:24 carolsi'll take that as a no.
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00:24 kblin!nextinline
00:24 gsocbotkblin: Next in line is opensips_razvanc with notice: http://www.opensips.org/Development/GSoC-IdeasList
00:24 kblin has changed mode: +v opensips_razvanc
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00:24 opensips_razvanchello :)
00:24 carolsokay, next in the queue, please kblin
00:24 carolsno, no special criteria. just a quality ideas page and application
00:24 kblin has changed mode: -v nixos_iElectric
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00:25 carolswell, and in comparison to everyone else who applies in your field :-)
00:25 carolsanything else?
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00:26 carolsthanks kblin
00:26 carolshello
00:26 opensips_razvancso we should have worked better the application answers?
00:26 opensips_razvancas well as the ideas page
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00:26 carolsi'll just be a sec
00:26 nixos_iElectric has left IRC (Quit: Page closed)
00:26 carolsalright, so, firstly, i like your ideas page, but it could have used some more flesh on the ideas
00:26 carolsi don't mind that it's short, but if it's going to be short, it's got to be well-described for each idea
00:26 nadako has joined (~nadako@
00:26 carolsyour app actually looks fine, but i would have been more swayed if you had someone vouching for you
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00:27 opensips_razvancgreat, thank you for your ideas
00:27 calin is now known as crucerucalin
00:27 carolsbut the ideas page wasn't as convincing as it needed to be
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00:27 carolsyou're welcome
00:27 p2psp_jalvaro has joined (4efa6dbf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:27 carolsany other questions?
00:27 opensips_razvancno, thanks
00:27 carolsyou're welcome
00:27 carolscheers
00:27 kblin!nextinline
00:27 gsocbotkblin: Next in line is wanmen with notice: https://github.com/wanmen/gsoc/blob/master/idea.md
00:28 wanmen_shaohi
00:28 wanmen_shaoI changed the name to wanmen_shao
00:28 kblin has changed mode: +v wanmen_shao
00:28 kblin has changed mode: -v opensips_razvanc
00:28 carolsthanks kblin
00:28 wanmen_shaothanks @kblin
00:28 carolsi'll just be a sec
00:28 wanmen_shaoThanks carols
00:28 carolshi wanmen_shao
00:28 wanmen_shaoHi carols
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00:29 carolsso, i have similar feedback for you that i did for the last group
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00:29 carolsi don't mind that your ideas page is short, but if it's going to be short it's got to be really well-fleshed-out
00:29 wanmen_shaoOh, I guess we'd better add more ideas?
00:29 carolssome of your ideas have skills required and languages, others dont
00:30 wanmen_shaoWe'll add more to that
00:30 the_baron has left IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
00:30 Palash has left IRC (Write error: Broken pipe)
00:30 carolsyou don't necessarily need to add more ideas, but you do need to describe each one very well if you choose to go that route
00:30 ogre3d_Masterfal has left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:30 wanmen_shaoOK, thanks for the suggestion
00:30 carolsit sounds like an interesting project, but we would have also liked to see someone vouch for you
00:30 carolsthat would have been a nice point in your favor
00:30 carolsthat's all i've got
00:30 carolsany questions?
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00:31 wanmen_shaoNot at the present.
00:31 kblinwanmen_shao: also, could you /msg gsocbot dequeue, seeing how we're done here?
00:31 carolsgreat
00:31 kblinthanks :)
00:31 carolsthanks wanmen_shao
00:31 xcc has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
00:31 wanmen_shaoThanks, kblin
00:31 kblin!nextinline
00:31 gsocbotkblin: Next in line is opennms_sfb with notice: http://www.opennms.org/wiki/Ideas_for_Google_Summer_of_Code_2014
00:31 carolshave a nice day
00:31 wanmen_shaoThanks Carols
00:31 kblin has changed mode: +v opennms_sfb
00:31 carolshi opennms_sfb
00:31 kblin has changed mode: -v wanmen_shao
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00:31 carolsdidn't you guys email me?
00:32 opennms_sfbHi carols.
00:32 opennms_sfbI didn't, I'm the org admin.
00:32 carolshi :-)
00:32 carolsah, ok
00:32 carolswell, i can cut and paste :-)
00:32 p2psp_jalvaro has left IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
00:32 carolsor did you just want to ask tarus?
00:32 opennms_sfbOK. (=
00:32 carolsit's up to you
00:32 sankarshan is now known as ankur-india_sank
00:33 opennms_sfbI'd rather get it straight from you.
00:33 ankur-india_sank is now known as ankur-sankarshan
00:33 carolsgreat
00:33 opennms_sfbTarus is sometimes hard to get ahold of, busy guy and all.